Custom Printed Mouse Mats

Custom Printed Mouse Mats

There are numerous positive attributes associated with custom printed mouse mats. A few might include; full colour printing, complete flexibility with graphics and die-cutting and comparatively low unit cost. Limited only by your imagination, the possibilities might include; a regular or financial year calendar, charts of your organisation’s key contact details or your product inventory. Few offices are without custom printed mouse mats on their desks.

Unique amongst other promotional merchandise for their fast turnaround time, custom printed mouse mats, the Australian-sourced product underpins the competitive pricing. In certain styles we also offer a bonus 1-colour print on the reverse side – at no additional cost!

Don’t miss the opportunity to position your brand name literally right in front of your prospects’ eyes. Custom printed mouse mats make a convenient and portable give away. Our own experience with them suggests they have a longer than average life of use. Try customising the shape – as well as the print.

Custom Printed Mouse Mats
Custom Printed Mouse Mats

An order of custom printed mouse mats is not complicated to order and finalise. You’ve Been Promoted does not require complex artwork, rather a high resolution PDF is all we need from you to get started. In fact just about everything associated with custom mouse mats is straight forward.

You’ve Been Promoted produces custom printed mouse mats for a mining sector company each year. The original brief required graphics displaying a map of their various drilling locations and the contact details for each site. In less than a fortnight, we delivered them their 10,000 custom mouse mats. This company updates the content annually and distributes them widely and cost effectively by regular mail.

Custom printed mouse mats are a terrific advertising medium. Prior to Christmas, You’ve Been Promoted makes a habit of sending our clients next year’s calendar on custom printed mouse mats and they are welcomed to signal the start of a New Year. Custom printed mouse mats are an effective entry-level promotional product for SMEs with precious marketing budgets.

Use custom printed mouse mats as the perfect client giveaways and for your next conference. We are convinced they outrank a business card for ‘stickiness’. Contact us today on 1300 308 459 to choose your ideal size, shape and graphics. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the comparatively low minimum order quantities and prompt turnaround times on all quantities – small and large.

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